Natalie J.
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  • I sure am glad that the movers are coming next week so I won't have to worry about hearing the neighbors punching their wall anymore.
    If you want to play a truly awful level in Mario Maker 2, then do I have you covered with WVD-XM3-JNG.
    I love how the English word "shoe" and the German word "Schuh" look very different but are in fact, the same word and pronounced nearly identically.
    I forgot to mention the other day that I hit page 300 of my book after being stagnated for several months.
    I really wish I knew how to edit or had the ability to hire someone to edit for me. I have this one really big video I want to make but I also want to make gameplay videos from Wii Party U in order to give Poofesure some competition. That guy is genuinely so bad at the game that it just bugs me.
    My best friend at school made me a playlist of Taylor Swift songs that she thinks I would like.

    playlist cover photo.PNG

    Of course I recognized that those pictures come from Super Mario Party.
    • Wow
    Reactions: June
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    I got confirmation that she made it herself and I'm so happy that she did.
    I spent several minutes talking about why Stephen Blackpool from Hard Times by Charles Dickens deserved way better than he got but the thing that pushes everything into shambles is Lemmy being sad.
    I would love an MK8D mod that lets me pick the CPUs that show up in a match. There's too many that I don't like that seem like they show up all the time and I want nothing to do with them.
    "Pushing my dad in a shopping cart down I-95" is not a dream I ever expected to have.
    I live near the I-95 too
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    As do a lot of people, but for some reason this one particular stretch of I-95 is burned into my head from how much I've been on it.
    That sounds like fun! You do have to be careful about falling out of the shopping cart and hurting yourself though. That's why helmets were invented!
    I played a Mario Maker level today that not only crashed my game, but completely corrupted my software until I restarted the system. Has that ever happened to anyone else?
    Jack Frost
    Jack Frost
    Was it the level that did that? If someone's managed to make a level that corrupts data then that's evil
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    The data isn't corrupted, I just couldn't even reopen the game until I restarted my system. It showed up in my played levels and said I had beaten it, but the game crashed on the "Level beendet!" screen.
    Nightwicked Bowser
    Nightwicked Bowser
    I stopped playing Super Mario Maker when I once played a level that crashed my game, and it was clearly deliberate on the creator's part.
    I just took a nap and had a dream I was a mage who stayed out until 2:30 AM chatting with people at bars, eating gummy sharks, and helping this one girl fly her car to work. It was awesome and I want to go back to it.
    Experiment time. I want to if I have a really vivid but also really chaotic dream after I put my big blanket on and hopefully warm myself up. I'll get back with the results.
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    Survey says, it did not work. I think in order to get a really weird dream that I remember well, it has to be a lot hotter than it was because I always wake up sweating when I remember my weirdest dreams.
    My ex is so dumb that when he doesn't follow through on something he says he'll do, he acts surprised when I call him out on it.
    Sorry if this is prying, but the way you talk about your ex makes it sound like you are still in a relationship with him? Again, you don't have to answer this if it's too personal
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    We live together, that's all it is. We broke up a year and a half ago but I still have to deal with him because of that.
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    Reactions: June
    Eeeeeee. I'm very giddy now because my ex just got an email that we got our new apartment.
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    Reactions: June and Odie
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    It's such a nice apartment that's really close to school and really close to where my friend lives. I'm so happy we got it.
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    Reactions: Odie
    Getting an amazing level in Endless Easy is like getting a rate-worthy level in the recent tab in Geometry Dash.
    Today in class I played a game called 5-Card Nancy and I think it would be funnier if I didn't explain what it was.
    The only funny thing I have planned for today is a joke that I'm going to make in class with the help of my ex's Lucario hat.
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    Reactions: June
    Lucario hats are always funny
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    It also complements the new color of my hair very well.
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    Reactions: June
    Someone is just needlessly revving their motorcycle over and over. I hate living on a major road, man.
    I never expected to be watching Panga and then suddenly recognize a level name as one that SimpleFlips had played.
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